POLYSECURE - Home of Technology POLYSECURE - Home of Technology


Solutions through research cooperations

Close collaboration in research and funding projects

Polysecure technology and research is further complemented and implemented in exclusive research partnerships* and selected funded projects. In addition, Polysecure has an excellent advisory board* with high-ranking representatives from research, business and politics as well as close industrial partnerships.




We work in diverse research projects with renowned project partners* and have long-standing contractually bound research partnerships with prestigious institutes:

KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, IMT Institute of Microstructure Technology
ICS Institut Charles Sadron, CNRS Strassbourg (French National Centre for Scientific Research)



Current Projects in alphabetical order

We are working in a wide variety of funded projects on the subject of product marking, circular economy and sorting with well-known partners from industry, economy and research.




CIRCULAR FoodPack aims to demonstrate for the first time a closed-loop recycling of food packaging under industry-relevant conditions by using tracer technology.



Project partners: Fraunhofer-Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Verpackung, Bayerische Forschungsallianz GmbH, AMCOR Flexibles Kreuzlingen AG, AMCOR Flexibles Transpac, Universität Gent, IRIS Technology Solutions, Kreyenborg GmbH und Co. KG, KIT, NESTLE, Siegwerk Druckfarben AG und Co KGaA, Ecozept, SUEZ Groupe, National Technical University of Athens


BMBF funded project


12 partners from industry and research have joined forces to develop a coherent, sustainable and industrially suitable concept for battery cell production, recycling and reprocessing. The goal is an innovation platform of a green, detectable and directly recyclable lithium-ion battery.



Project coordinator: Carl Padberg Zentrifugenbau GmbH

Project partners: Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC, Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen IIS, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Pure Devices GmbH, MAB Recycling GmbH, iPoint-systems GmbH, IFU Institut für Umweltinformatik Hamburg GmbH, EurA AG, BASF SE (associated partner), Leclanché GmbH (associated partner)

Funding code: 03XP0393D

BMBF funded project


The aim of the project is to develop a 100-percent quality control system with traceability, including protection against counterfeiting, for the production of diagnostic test carriers for medical applications.


Project coordinator: Spindiag GmbH

Project partners: Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft für angewandte Forschung e.V., BioFluidix GmbH, senswork GmbH, Kontron AIS GmbH

Funding code: 02P18C014

BMWK funded project


The aim of the project is to reengineer selected components with regard to their CO2 balance and transform them into sustainable, recyclable products by applying lifecycle-spanning product development and resource-saving lightweight construction technologies.


Project coordinator: Siemens AG

Project partners: ifu Institut für Umweltinformatik Hamburg GmbH (iPoint-Gruppe), MetisMotion GmbH, Schmuhl Faserverbundtechnik GmbH,
THM recycling solutions GmbH, Technische Universität Dresden - Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik, TU Bergakademie Freiberg - Institut für Aufbereitungsmaschinen und Recyclingtechnik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie - Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik

The project is funded within the Technology Transfer Program "Lightweight Construction (TTP LB) - Program Line 2: CO2 Saving and CO2 Binding through the Use of New Construction Techniques and Materials" - of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) for three years until 2023 and is supervised by the project management organization Jülich.

Funding code: 03LB2008G



Development of a process-safe sorting and singulation technology using Tracer-Based-Sorting for article rejects in the injection molding production of plastic closures made of polyolefins – a prerequisite for in-house recycling, e.g. for closure caps.


Project partner: Georg MENSHEN GmbH & Co. KG

Project reference: 37711/01

BMBF funded project


The aim of the project is to protect electronic sensors against counterfeiting and attacks by applying security features that cannot be copied.


Project coordinator: Benecke-Kaliko AG

Project partners: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT, Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien INM, Hochschule Offenburg, Cyient GmbH, ContiTech MGW GmbH, Elmos Semiconductor (assoziierter Partner)

Funding code:  ME1ZEUS007
Further information can be found here.

BMBF funded project


Tracer-Based-Sorting (TBS) – Efficient and flexible: The primary goal of the project is to increase the economic efficiency of TBS technology in order to achieve a better implementation of a circular economy in different fields of application (not only for packaging).


Project partners: HD Vision Systems GmbH, Fraunhofer-Institut für Gießerei-, Composite- und Verarbeitungstechnik IGCV, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT, Hochschule Pforzheim HS PF

Funding code: 033RK088A
Further information can be found here.